Operating a modern day asset-intensive business requires a great deal of technology and resources. Our experience has shown us that systems required to operate your business available elsewhere are not always user friendly, nor do they always play well with one another. And at times no on-the-shelf solution will meet your needs.

Our ability to solve your system problems lies in our people, who understand technology from both sides of the keyboard. Our methodology puts programmers in direct contact with users – not hiding in dark rooms far away, as it may seem in other settings. Our technical team has experience in every industry we represent. We can resolve even your most difficult ERP software issues, save you money, and make your business more productive, more efficient, and help keep your technology up to date.

AddOns suite of solution-oriented products is the result of almost two decades of helping our customers solve I.T. problems that others were unable to solve. Our developers have extensive experience with a wide range of technologies and Enterprise Solution packages.

AddOns suite of solution-oriented products fall into the following categories:


Interfase de Usuario Mejorada

Tenemos docenas de Soluciones de software que ofrecerle para el mejoramiento de su ERP

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Inteligencia de Negocios

Cubos de datos OLAP para ayudar a arrancar su programa de inteligencia de negocios

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Administración y Limieza de Datos

Herramientas probadas y metodologia confiable de AddOns para mantener la integridad de datos

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Conversion y Union de Datos

Herramienta “program generator” de AddOns para identificar rápidamente elementos específicos de datos

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Grupa de herramientas extenso que permite la integracion de sitemas de terceros con soluciones empresariales

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